We asked 1,000 users on Google if they knew that the Google Shopping products and images that show in the Google Search results are paid adverts. Out of the respondents, 28.9% answered “no” and 57.2% answered “yes, but I don’t click on them”. The final 13.9% of respondents did know that these results are paid adverts and click on them.
Whilst this may seem disheartening for retailers, it’s important to remember that Google Shopping is heavily competitive, and in one sense is best for more specific searches so that customers are being shown exactly what they want.
For example, “cameras” offers a lot of scope product wise and could be a way of consumers trying to compare different brands and types of camera. In comparison, “Nikon D3500” is specific search for that specific camera which could imply that the user wishes to purchase one and is looking for different prices online.
Is Google Shopping worth it?
Whilst many consumers are becoming more aware of paid advertising on search engines, there are those who are willing to click on the result as long as it’s relevant to their search, regardless of whether it’s an organic or paid listing.
As more people look online to do their shopping, the market is becoming increasingly competitive and many businesses are bidding furiously to ensure their products get seen first. Google Shopping is great for retailers with E-commerce sites who offer a range of products, and for those who want to invest in paid advertising, having a solid and well thought out campaign is essential to keep on top of the competition and drive sales.
If used as part of a comprehensive paid search campaign, Google Shopping can be an effective way of gaining extra traffic and revenue for your business. Having your products displayed above the fold adds a certain sense of authority in the search results and can lead to consumers identifying your brand with specific products or services which they are searching for.
Google Shopping ads certainly have their advantages, one being that they show everything that a customer needs to know about a product straight away. This includes an image, description, price and in some cases a star rating.
Secondly, Google Shopping doesn’t allow you to bid on a position for specific keywords. You can tell Google how much you would be willing to pay to appear for a keyword/phrase, but Google will predominantly pull certain results based on relevant your product descriptions and titles are for the search. For a better chance of showing, your ads should include key information, highlighting the price and details of the product and should be accompanied by high-quality images of that product.
To ensure that their products gain clicks and that they are getting a good ROI, advertisers need to really evaluate the products they are submitted on Google Shopping. Putting up loosely related products with half-hearted ad copy just won’t work. The user needs to feel that the product really is what they are looking for and that it is being offered at a price that benefits them as a customer. Plus, if a user can see that an item is value for money, then they will be more inclined to choose that option.
Ultimately, Google wants to offer people the best results for their searches and match consumers and businesses effectively. It’s key to remember that although the cost-per-click can be, at times, higher for Google Shopping ads, you can often get a better return on investment than you would for regular pay-per-click listings. In fact, according to Adthena, in 2018 Google Shopping ads accounted for 82.0% of retailers’ search ad spending in January and February in the UK. Those ads generated 87.9% of all clicks on Google Ads and Google Shopping campaign ads.
If you would like more assistance on how you could benefit from pay-per-click marketing, contact the team at AdPilot for a chat.