5 Quick Tips To Help Improve Your Website On A Mobile Device

It is surprising to us just how many websites are still not geared up to be mobile-focused. It’s even more surprising when we find out that those same companies are spending marketing budget on getting traffic to their site.
When spending any budget on marketing, you’ll want your website to work as effectively as possible and if the mobile version isn’t up to scratch, you could be wasting money. Let’s take a look at some quick tips to help you improve your website for those visiting on a mobile.

Keep menus simple – avoid mega menus

On a desktop, your website will look different and can display more information across the width of a single page. On a mobile, you can’t. Therefore, the mega menu that works effectively on the desktop version of your site won’t work as well on mobile.
  Try to keep menus simple and short and include a search function to help customers find what they need quickly.  

Get rid of the mess by using limited space

As mentioned above, space is limited on a mobile. Images and videos are really important and help grab attention whilst also keeping people engaged. That said, make sure these do not take up all of the space above the fold as you’ll still want to encourage some scrolling through your pages and content.  

Scrolling should be vertical as much as possible

Horizontal scrolling is not as popular on a mobile device as it is on a desktop, so try to keep any scrolling to vertical only. Mobile users will often change the orientation of their device too, so you will need to cater for this when designing the layout of your pages.  

Test conversion actions and functions regularly on a mobile

This seems like a straightforward thing to do but many people will only check the customer journey and form completions sporadically or when a new form is added but it should be done regularly. Just because the process works perfectly on a desktop, it doesn’t mean it necessarily works the same on a mobile device.
  Make it easy for people to fill in their data on forms and keep these field to a minimum too – some people are impatient!  

Improve page loading speed

The speed of your pages will have a direct impact on the engagement of your website. If your pages are too slow to load, people may leave before they’ve even seen what you want them to see.

Fast page loading speeds is an absolute must for your website regardless of whether people visit on a mobile, tablet or a desktop. Google also offers a useful tool to help you check how quickly your pages load – you can find it here: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/

Follow these simple tips to quickly improve your website and your user’s journey. If you’d like to hear more tips on how to improve your marketing campaigns, contact one of our experts today.