3 Reasons You Should Be Planning Your Paid Search Campaigns Beyond The First-Click

When setting up your first paid search campaigns, it is easy to focus on solely driving visits to your website rather than thinking about what happens after the first click. Google AdWords, Bing Ads and paid social media platforms are great channels to reach your targeted audience, increase brand awareness and drive revenue but often businesses choose to focus on top-level metrics (i.e. clicks, click-through rates, conversions etc.) and not on the consumer journey. It is entirely possible to create a profitable campaign by focusing on top-level metrics but to really understand your audience and for your campaigns to reach their full potential, it is crucial to make time to analyse the post-click experience.

Daily, Weekly and Seasonal Behaviours Can Change

By analysing your data on a granular level, it is easier to uncover times of the day and days of the week that are performing well. For example, you might find that more conversions happen on a Monday at 9am for people looking to buy an item of clothing before the coming weekend, and therefore should allocate some additional budget to that time if it has proven successful. This type of behaviour can change almost daily in some industries, but it is a good idea to have regular account check-ins to truly understand your audience.

One-Size Fits All Doesn’t Work

It is important to use different ad text and landing pages within each Ad Group because not every consumer will react the same to your piece of content, your landing page or your website generally. A/B split testing is a good way to make sure you are making statistically viable decisions based on how your audience have interacted with your campaigns and your website. Putting all of your eggs in one basket will give you useful statistics, but not meaningful ones. By sending people to relevant pages throughout your website, you can get a better understand of which USPs appeal to your consumer but also which landing pages have the better conversion rates.

Consumers Use Multiple Channels Before Converting

There is a lot of success to be had within paid search marketing by targeting customers based on their urgency to buy a product or service at the time they need it, but most consumers visit your website more than once before they buy from you. Chances are that those consumers will also visit your website through multiple channels including paid search, organic listings, social media and direct, to name but a few. Trust is a major factor in the buying process and by creating Remarketing lists within your Google AdWords account, you can focus specifically on those visitors that didn’t convert through your website last-time-round. Remarketing is equally as important for encouraging repeat business too. Successful paid search campaigns need regular attention and planning in order to be profitable. For more information on how the experts at AdPilot can help make your campaigns drive a better return on investment, contact us today.